بيانات و بلاغات

16 مايو, 2020 10:42:00 م

Call of Distress

Dear Sirs,

        Mr. Head of WHO.

        Mr. Head of WHO to the EU.

        Mr. Director-General of the WHO to the UN.

        Mr. President of the ICRC.

        Mr. President of the IFRC.

        Sirs, Arab Red Crescent & Red Cross Organization.

        Mr. Head of OHCHR.

        Mr. Head of OHCHR in Yemen.

The Emergency Committee of  Civil Society Organizations in Aden\ Yemen expresses its warm greetings…

We are making this call of distress due to the humanitarian crises and serious danger that Aden is facing because of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and the many other viruses and deadly epidemics that are not less dangerous than Covid-19, and that which spreaded after the last severe floods.

On a humanitarian level, Aden now is a disaster-stricken city, in every sense of the word. There is a crucial need for your intervention to aid it humanitarianly.The governmental statics shows that more than 80 persons dies a day.

And since the government is absent due to the internal conflicts and war and collapse of state's health institutions, we appeal for your fast intervention and your  humanitarian aids.

We are appealing to you for helping this disaster-stricken city because of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and other killing diseases that specialists couldn't   diagnose , and that caused the death of many in only few hours!

We are appealing for your URGENT intervention and help. We need cadres of public health and labs specialists and biologists, beside providing hospitals and medical centers with necessary equipment and medicines and mobile hospitals, in addition to aiding the city by disposing the remains of floods and protecting public environment.

The Emergency Committee of  Civil Society Organizations- Aden.

16th May, 2020.